Tuesday 3 June 2014

DRAMA: First time woman visitor conned Ksh 20,000 after attempting to play ‘cards’ in CBD Nairobi

DRAMA: First time woman visitor conned Ksh 20,000 after attempting to play ‘cards’ in CBD Nairobi

Members of the public were earlier today treated to an adrenaline pumping and heart-fluttering drama along Racecourse road in Nairobi.
A young woman who had arrived in Nairobberry, sorry I meant Nairobi, probably in her mid-twenties, caused quite a stir along the busy road after falling victim to the antics of some professional con-artists who were quick to capitalize on her wide-eyed naivety.
The rush-hour spectacle,which attracted a sizeable multitude of people on their way to their respective work stations,bore the hallmarks of a Nigerian blockbuster or Kenya’s prank program ‘Naswa’.
It was not a prank program in the shooting nor was the ‘bootiful’ beauty a character in some Nigerian movie as I gathered.The situation unfolding right before my eyes was real!
Her tormentors(con-men) had already vanished into thin air after milking her dry ,nowhere to be seen;probably flaunting their con credentials in another part of town.I guess the reprobates were now smiling themselves stupid after effortlessly making cash and ensuring that they had ushered their unsuspecting victim into Nairobi in style.

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